Kindle on mac os
Kindle on mac os

  1. Kindle on mac os how to#
  2. Kindle on mac os for mac#

init", line 571, in KindleMobiDecryptĭeDRMError: DeDRM v6.6.1: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 2.5 seconds. init", line 621, in runįile "calibre_drm.

Kindle on mac os how to#

Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback:įile "site-packages/calibre/customize/", line 172, in _run_filetype_pluginsįile "calibre_drm. Last time we saw on how to root Kindle Fire on Windows based systems but now for all those who are on the Mac OS X or say Linux based systems can now too root their kindle Fire tablets.So, in the due course of this article we will check out about the same. Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input): File is not KFX formatĭeDRM v6.6.1: Trying to decrypt B00AXS6BEI_EBOK.azwĬopyright © 2008-2017 The Dark Reverser, Apprentice Harper et al.ĭecrypting Kindle Format 8 ebook: The Ludwig ConspiracyĭeDRM v6.6.1: Failed to decrypt with error: No key found in 0 keys tried.ĭeDRM v6.6.1: Looking for new default Kindle Key after 0.1 secondsįound k4Mac kinf2011 file: /Users/fiffe/Library/Application Support/Kindle/storage/.kinf2011ĭeDRM v6.6.1: Ultimately failed to decrypt after 2.5 seconds. Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) 1.13.0: Importing /Volumes/Casper/Kindle/My Kindle Content/B00AXS6BEI_EBOK.azw Objc: Class FIFinderSyncExtensionHost is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/amework/Versions/A/FinderKit (0x7fffac7e0210) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/amework/OverrideBundles/FinderSyncCollaborationFileProviderOverride.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FinderSyncCollaborationFileProviderOverride (0x11935ddc8). Started up in 2.61 seconds with 999 books

kindle on mac os

Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (1, 13, 0) & DeDRM (6, 6, 1) & Package KFX (from KFX Input) (1, 13, 0) & Overdrive Link (2, 32, 0) & KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (1, 13, 0) & KFX Input (1, 13, 0) & Set KFX metadata (from KFX Output) (1, 26, 0) & KFX Output (1, 26, 0)

kindle on mac os

Kindle on mac os for mac#

I'm using Calibre 3.39.1 / DeDRM 6.6.1 plugin / Kindle for Mac 1.17.1 also have KFX input and KFX output plugins installed.Ĭalibre 3.39.1 embedded-python: True is64bit: Trueĭarwin-18.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', '')

kindle on mac os

I haven't used Calibre in a couple of months and when I tried to import some recently purchased Prime Reading ebooks I get "Cannot convert" and "This book is locked by DRM." messages.

Kindle on mac os